The Haut-Bugey Tourist Office, classified in category III, belongs to the French Tourist Offices – National Federation network.
He engages himself in :
Provide you with an easily accessible reception and information space.
Facilitate your procedures.
Offer you furniture to sit on.
Get free information on the local tourist offer.
Display and broadcast its opening periods expressed in at least one foreign language.
Be open at least 120 days a year, Saturday and Sunday included during tourist or entertainment periods.
Respond to your emails year-round.
Provide a permanent reception service run by staff who speak at least one foreign language.
Ensure the supply of tourist maps, maps and tourist guides on paper.
Give you access to its bilingual website.
Distribute tourist information also on paper translated at least into a relative foreign language:
to all classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, email, website address, telephone contact, level of classification;
cultural, natural or leisure monuments and tourist sites which may include the indication of user fees, periods and hours of opening to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact details;
events and entertainment;
emergency telephone numbers.
Update its tourist information annually.
Post emergency telephone numbers outside.
Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
Make a stay counselor available to you.
Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer.
Update the data on the tourist offer in its geographic area of intervention.