Hikes, walks & trail


Since 18 June 2016, Haut-Bugey has been part of the international Stations de Trail® network. With a new home base, trails, training workshops and beginners activities… The brand-new Haut-Bugey – Jura Mountains Station de Trail® is all ready to welcome you!

The Haut-Bugey Tourist Office is now a Station de Trail® home base with:

  • open digital access to:

– browse www.stationdetrail.com

– see the trails and training workshops in Haut-Bugey

– choose your trail or workshop

– record your time when you come back from the trail

  • a panel showing the 18 trails leaving from Nantua, Oyonnax, Izernore and Brénod, as well as four training workshops in Nantua (trail circuit, long slope, strong slope and vertical kilometre)
  • a shop with equipment to try out
  • a specialised coach to answer your questions or give you customised tips to meet your needs or wishes


Try out Nordic walking with the Nordik Walk Station®

On video

The Haut-Bugey Trail Moments

Trail Resort courses


Station de Trail® Haut-Bugey – Montagnes du Jura
Office de Tourisme Haut-Bugey – Espace Trois Lacs – 14 rue du Docteur Mercier
01130 NANTUA
Tél. 04 74 12 11 57
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To find a way